An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making | 14th Edition

David R. Anderson/Dennis J. Sweeney/Thomas A. Williams/Jeffrey D. Camm/James J. Cochran/Michael J. Fry/Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
Product cover for An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making 14th Edition by David R. Anderson/Dennis J. Sweeney/Thomas A. Williams/Jeffrey D. Camm/James J. Cochran/Michael J. Fry/Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
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About This Product

Integrating the latest developments in Microsoft® Office Excel® 2013, Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's AN INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT SCIENCE: QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO DECISION MAKING, 14E equips students with a sound conceptual understanding of the role that management science plays in the decision-making process. The trusted market leader for more than two decades, the text defines today's management science course. The authors continue to provide unwavering accuracy with the book's emphasis on applications and timely, powerful examples. The book's hallmark problem-scenario approach introduces each quantitative technique within an applications setting. Students must apply the management science model to generate solutions and recommendations for management. For the 14th Edition, all data sets, applications, and screen visuals reflect the details of Excel 2013 to accurately prepare your students to work with the latest spreadsheet tools. In addition, a comprehensive support package offers all the written and online timesaving support you need with trusted solutions written by the text authors. Online content includes online chapters, LINGO software and Excel add-ins.