Teacher's Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction | 5th Edition

Judith L. Shrum/Eileen W. Glisan
Product cover for Teacher's Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction 5th Edition by Judith L. Shrum/Eileen W. Glisan
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-09-03T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

TEACHER'S HANDBOOK: CONTEXTUALIZED LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION, 5th Edition, is designed for courses that prepare teachers for pre-K through college/university levels. Although its focus is for beginning teachers, it also serves accomplished teachers seeking to update their knowledge of SLA research and acquire new pedagogical strategies. It is ideal for teaching assistants and graduate student instructors who are teaching lower-division language courses and are required to take a methods course, as well as for education majors or students pursuing a teaching credential. The authors present a concise theoretical review followed by provocative case studies that illustrate contextualized methods for teaching ESL and foreign language for proficiency. Extensive appendices and a text-specific website with links to teacher resources and streaming video of standards-based instruction make it easy for your students to apply the concepts to their teaching.