Affordability + Results = Value


Let's Partner to Find the Right Solution for You

Affordable learning options must be effective. There's no point in a low-cost learning experience that won't give you the results you need—and deserve. 

So, let's focus on great outcomes and affordability to get you the very best value

Discover the Possibilities

Explore Options to Get What You Need

We offer students superior content for class in whatever format they prefer. Instructors choose course materials that suit the way they teach.

Go Digital

Digital course materials offer innovative study methods—proven to boost performance—and cost less than traditional print textbooks … even when they come with print supplements.

Open Up to OER

Combine affordable open educational resources with innovative technology to offer high-quality, low-cost solutions.

Stay Focused on Results

When it comes to education, quality comes first. Let’s give learners the skills they need to succeed—at a price they can afford.


We partner with institutions to scale our products across departments—and we pass on the savings to the students.