AI at Cengage

The Student Assistant supports learning over providing answers

Trained by thousands of faculty and hundreds of students to ensure accuracy and academic integrity, the Student Assistant leverages intelligent language models, and exclusive Cengage content, focusing the technology on a specific title within our Cengage portfolio. The AI education tool guides students through the process of thinking critically, allowing them to reach the answers without outside assistance.

Empower students to take ownership of their education

Empower students to take ownership of their education

The Student Assistant empowers your students to confidently and independently address learning gaps on their own schedule, reducing the need for additional guidance from you. It only uses trusted Cengage resources — never pulling from external sources on the web — ensuring all content is accurate, private, unbiased and fully aligned with the course materials you assign.

Personalize learning for each and every student

Personalize learning for each and every student

Conveniently embedded within our MindTap platform, the Student Assistant helps learners connect with key concepts in new and meaningful ways. Available 24/7, it provides personalized, just-in-time feedback and access to resources exactly when they need them.

Have questions about the Student Assistant?

If you need help accessing the Student Assistant in beta, want to know when it will be available for your course or have feedback to share with our product team, simply fill out this form to connect with us.


Discover the Student Assistant in beta, available in select titles

Instructors recommend the Student Assistant

"Students can receive immediate and personalized feedback from the Student Assistant. Not only does this benefit students, but this will also free up faculty time to focus on more strategic tasks like curriculum development, research and student mentoring."

—Dr. Stephanie Thacker, Associate Professor of Business, University of the Cumberlands

"The Student Assistant is user friendly and adaptive. The bot responded appropriately and in ways that prompt students to deepen their understanding without giving away the answer."

—Lois Mcwhorter, Department Chair for the Hutton School of Business, University of Cumberlands

"I was extremely impressed with the training and evaluation process. The onboarding process was great, and the efforts taken by Cengage to ensure parity in the evaluation process was a good-faith sign of the quality and accuracy of the Student Assistant."

—Dr. Loretta S. Smith, Professor of Management, Arkansas Tech University