Theory Essentials | 2nd Edition

Connie E. Mayfield
Product cover for Theory Essentials 2nd Edition by Connie E. Mayfield
Copyright 2013 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2012-05-10T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781285286754
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ISBN: 9781133308188
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ISBN: 9781133395362
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Available Study Tools

Student Workbook for Mayfield's Theory Essentials, 2nd

Student Workbook for Mayfield's Theory Essentials, 2nd

ISBN-13: 9781133308201
This workbook provides additional exercises suitable for homework assignments.
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About This Product

THEORY ESSENTIALS, 2/e offers a unique, total solution to teaching music theory. Integrating all the components of the two-year music theory sequence, the text and its accompanying workbook synthesize the major topics in music theory with aural skills, keyboard applications, and examples from the literature. Offering terrific value, THEORY ESSENTIALS replaces the need for the four separate texts traditionally required for the music theory sequence (theory, ear training/sight singing, keyboard harmony, and an anthology). The result is a remarkable, carefully-paced synthesis of these components that moves from a solid grounding in Fundamentals, Diatonic Harmony, Secondary Function chords, and Twentieth-Century Techniques.