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A Simple Guide to IBM SPSS Statistics - version 23.0 | 14th Edition

Lee A. Kirkpatrick
Product cover for A Simple Guide to IBM SPSS Statistics - version 23.0 14th Edition by Lee A. Kirkpatrick
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-08-06T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781305974302
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ISBN: 9781305877719
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ISBN: 9781337493697

About This Product

Completely up to date, the no-nonsense A SIMPLE GUIDE TO IBM SPSS: FOR VERSION 23.0, Fourteenth Edition, equips students with everything they need to know about the newest version of SPSS® for Windows® so they can effectively use the program in their statistics class. The guide's straightforward style frees students to concentrate on learning basic statistical concepts, while still developing familiarity with SPSS®. Its student-friendly, step-by-step instruction quickly gets students up to speed. In no time, they will confidently start using SPSS® to do homework problems and conduct statistical analyses for research projects.