Accounting | 28th Edition

Carl Warren/Christine Jonick/Jennifer Schneider
Product cover for Accounting 28th Edition by Carl Warren/Christine Jonick/Jennifer Schneider
Copyright 2021 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2020-01-23T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781337902687
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Available Study Tools

Working Papers, Chapters 18-26 for Warren/Jonick/Schneider's Accounting, 28th

Working Papers, Chapters 18-26 for Warren/Jonick/Schneider's Accounting, 28th

ISBN-13: 9781337913171
These working papers provide your students with a starting point for completing end-of-chapter assignments from the textbook.
CNOWv2 for Warren/Jonick/Schneider's Accounting, 2 term Instant Access

CNOWv2 for Warren/Jonick/Schneider's Accounting, 2 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781337913065
With its engaging learning and assessment tools, CNOWv2 supports the entire student workflow from motivation to mastery. For instructors, CNOWv2 provides control and customization with the opportunity to tailor the learning experience to improve outcomes.
CNOWv2 for Warren/Jonick/Schneider's Accounting, 1 term Instant Access

CNOWv2 for Warren/Jonick/Schneider's Accounting, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357366356
With its engaging learning and assessment tools, CNOWv2 supports the entire student workflow from motivation to mastery. For instructors, CNOWv2 provides control and customization with the opportunity to tailor the learning experience to improve outcomes.

About This Product

Provide a strong foundation in accounting that prepares students for future study and success in today's business world with Warren/Jonick/Schneider's market-leading ACCOUNTING, 28E. This edition connects accounting concepts to the "bigger picture" as chapter-opening schemas clearly demonstrate how each chapter's content fits within the overall framework of the book. CNOWv2's Journal Entry Tool reinforces this approach by automatically illustrating the impact of transactions on the accounting equation. In addition, the authors' hallmark coverage of the accounting cycle provides an unmatched foundation for success in later chapters, upcoming coursework and even future careers. The authors have carefully streamlined content and improved learning features throughout this edition and CNOWv2's digital resources to ensure students have the understanding of accounting and specific business tools to succeed.