Algebra & Trigonometry | 9th Edition

Ron Larson
Product cover for Algebra & Trigonometry 9th Edition by Ron Larson
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357704998
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ISBN: 9781133959748
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ISBN-13: 9781337767033

About This Product

Larson's ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY is ideal for a two-term course and known for delivering sound, consistently structured explanations and carefully written exercises of the mathematical concepts. With the Ninth Edition, the author continues to revolutionize the way students learn material by incorporating more real-world applications, on-going review and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features, Checkpoint problems and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign features fully-integrated content from the text, with the addition of End-of-Section problems and Chapter Tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations and lecture videos.