American Government: Institutions & Policies | 17th Edition

James Q. Wilson/John J. DiIulio Jr./Meena Bose/Matthew S. Levendusky
Product cover for American Government: Institutions & Policies 17th Edition by James Q. Wilson/John J. DiIulio Jr./Meena Bose/Matthew S. Levendusky
Copyright 2022 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2021-01-05T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN-13: 9780357459683
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About This Product

Combining current scholarship with practical examples, Wilson/Dilulio/Bose/Levendusky's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: INSTITUTIONS AND POLICIES, 17th Edition, delivers a clear and approachable tool to help any student trying to understand the U.S. government. Highlighting emerging issues in American politics, the text focuses on the importance of governmental institutions, the historical development of governmental procedures and policies, as well as who governs in the U.S. and to what ends. New coverage includes changes during the Trump administration, the 2018 and 2020 elections, the COVID-19 crisis, the media's role in political polarization, the U.S. wealth gap and more. Insightful debates on policy dynamics engage students and bolster comprehension. A pedagogically proven course of study maximizes student involvement with text material, while MindTap provides anywhere, anytime digital learning tools.