American Government and Politics Today, Enhanced | 18th Edition

Lynne E. Ford/Barbara A. Bardes/Steffen W. Schmidt/Mack C. Shelley II
Product cover for American Government and Politics Today, Enhanced 18th Edition by Lynne E. Ford/Barbara A. Bardes/Steffen W. Schmidt/Mack C. Shelley II
Copyright 2020 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2019-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781337790352
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ISBN-13: 9780357020494
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About This Product

Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's American Government and Politics Today is known nationwide for its balanced, unbiased and modern coverage of constitutional, governmental, political, social and economic structures and their processes. It equips students with the knowledge to make informed choices, encourages them to play an active role in the decision-making process and provides the tools they need to get involved. Thoroughly revised and updated, the Enhanced 18th edition includes expansive coverage of the 2018 elections, gender issues and social media. Engaging examples of politics, politicians and policies bring chapter concepts to life, while "Politics in Practice" features in each chapter give students an up-close view of people taking political action. MindTap, Cengage's fully online learning solution, is available and fully integrated with this text.