An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology | 4th Edition

Janet Amundson Romich
Product cover for An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology 4th Edition by Janet Amundson Romich
Copyright 2015 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2014-04-03T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133125761
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MindTap Veterinary Technology, 2 terms (12 months) Instant Access for Romich's An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology

ISBN-13: 9781337909280
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MindTap for Romich's An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology, 2 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9798214123998
MindTap for Romich's An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology, 4th Edition, is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course--to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual and to build their confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap. MindTap: Powered by You. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics and add your own material or notes in the ebook.
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About This Product

Providing the ultimate terminology reference for veterinary assistants and technicians, AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO VETERINARY MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY, 4e provides an engaging approach to learning medical terms and understanding basic principles of veterinary medicine. This user-friendly book delivers a unique pedagogical presentation that makes it a comprehensive learning resource. Its systematic approach to learning the parts of medical terms enables students to understand basic medical concepts and apply critical thinking skills in determining the meaning of new medical terms. Focusing on how medical terms are formed, analyzed, and defined, the book discusses anatomical landmarks, the positioning of animals, and the relationships between body parts. It also introduces terms used in the animal industry. Case studies illustrate how medical terminology is experienced in real-world practice, and an audio wordlist enables students to hear the terms they are learning. In addition, the Fourth Edition features greatly expanded artwork.