Autour de la littérature: Ecriture et lecture aux cours moyens de français | 6th Edition

Peter Schofer/Donald B. Rice
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Copyright 2013 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2012-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781111354183
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About This Product

The Sixth Edition of AUTOUR DE LA LITTÉRATURE retains its unique approach to literature, encouraging students to play and create with the language as they explore both classical and non-traditional Francophone literature. AUTOUR DE LA LITTÉRATURE is printed in workbook format in order both to facilitate writing activities and to break down the fear and mistrust that many students have of literature. While maintaining the basic style and thrust of previous editions, changes are aimed at responding even more directly to changing student interests. The new edition includes several new readings and all new "publicités".