Autour de la littérature: Ecriture et lecture aux cours moyens de français | 7th Edition

Peter Schofer/Donald B. Rice
Product cover for Autour de la littérature: Ecriture et lecture aux cours moyens de français 7th Edition by Peter Schofer/Donald B. Rice
Copyright 2023 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2023-01-10T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

The Seventh Edition of Schofer/Rice's AUTOUR DE LA LITTÉRATURE: ECRITURE ET LECTURE AUX COURS MOYENS DE FRANÇAIS retains its unique approach to literature, encouraging students to play and create with the language as they explore both classical and nontraditional Francophone literature. Its student-friendly workbook format both facilitates writing activities and alleviates any fear or mistrust students may have of literature. A robust audio program includes a variety of recordings, and the rich selection of texts represents a diverse set of authors. While maintaining the basic style and thrust of previous editions, the Seventh Edition includes updates and revisions that respond to changing students' interests as well as inclusion and diversity concerns. It also features several new readings, all new "publicités" and an expanded suite of supplements to support instructors.