Building Teachers: A Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education | 2nd Edition

David Jerner Martin/Kimberly S. Loomis
Product cover for Building Teachers: A Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education 2nd Edition by David Jerner Martin/Kimberly S. Loomis
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133943013
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About This Product

Designed from the ground up with a constructivist framework, BUILDING TEACHERS: A CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH TO INTRODUCING EDUCATION, 2nd Edition helps future teachers create their own understanding of education. As Martin and Loomis address the key topics generally covered in an introductory text, they encourage students to develop their own understandings by connecting their prior knowledge, experiences, and biases with new experiences to which they will be exposed during the course. Highlights of the new edition include stronger standards integration and expanded material on diversity and technology. By interacting with the materials presented, rather than merely memorizing the text's content, readers learn what teaching is all about in an exploratory, inquiring, constructivist-based manner. In turn, they can help the children in their classrooms learn meaningfully. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections