Business Communication: Process & Product | 9th Edition

Mary Ellen Guffey/Dana Loewy
Product cover for Business Communication: Process & Product 9th Edition by Mary Ellen Guffey/Dana Loewy
Copyright 2018 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2017-01-12T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781305957961
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MindTap Business Communication, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Guffey/Loewy's Business Communication: Process & Product

MindTap Business Communication, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Guffey/Loewy's Business Communication: Process & Product

ISBN-13: 9781337095617
MindTap Business Communication for Guffey/Loewy's Business Communication: Process & Product, 9th Edition is the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage and transform today's students into skilled communicators. Through paths of dynamic assignments and applications that you can personalize, real-time course analytics, and an accessible reader, MindTap helps you turn cookie-cutter into cutting-edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers. Access to this product is valid for six months of usage. MindTap Business Communication includes relevant readings with interactive figures, narrated PowerPoint® slides, and animated model documents are designed to take students up the level of learning, from basic knowledge to application and skill building. Chapter readings with interactive elements and videos engage students in chapter concepts and provide the valuable examples students look to as they build their own communication skills. Activities delivered in MindTap through Aplia, YouSeeU, and Write Experience provide rich, skill-building exercises that empower students to communicate effectively.

About This Product

Provide a practical guide packed with the latest coverage of technologies to prepare students for success in today’s networked, hyper-connected digital-age workplace. The authoritative market leader trusted by traditional and online business communication instructors like you, BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: PROCESS AND PRODUCT, 9E offers breakthrough digital resources including "how-to" videos demonstrating expert writing techniques, expanded MindTap activities to engage students such as video activities in the YouSeeU app which allow for oral communication skills-based practice, scenario-based writing assessments within Write Experience app and updated Aplia resources with auto-graded grammar review and homework checking. Most importantly, the hallmark features that made this book the market leader -- abundant model documents, the 3-x-3 writing process, valuable assignments with solutions, and an efficient 16-chapter format -- enhance learning and comprehension. Exceptional instructor resources, including course outlines, lecture notes, grading rubrics, and enhanced PowerPoint® lecture slides, help ensure a comprehensive and effective course.