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Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment | 11th Edition

Marianne M. Jennings
Product cover for Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment 11th Edition by Marianne M. Jennings
Copyright 2018 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2017-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357690130
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ISBN: 9781337103572
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MindTap Business Law, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Jennings' Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment

MindTap Business Law, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Jennings' Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment

ISBN-13: 9781337103602
MindTap Business Law for Jennings' Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, 11th Edition, is the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage and transform today’s students into critical thinkers. Through paths of dynamic assignments and applications that you can personalize, real-time course analytics, and an accessible reader, MindTap helps you turn cookie-cutter into cutting-edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers. MindTap Business Law is a personalized teaching experience with relevant assignments that guide students to analyze, apply, and improve thinking, allowing you to measure skills and outcomes with ease. Personalized teaching becomes yours through a pre-built Learning Path designed with key student objectives and your syllabus in mind. The customizable online course allows you to control what students see and when they see it. Relevant readings, multimedia, and activities within the learning path intuitively guide students up the levels of learning to (1) Prepare, (2) Engage, (3) Apply and (4) Analyze business law content. These activities are organized in a logical progression to help elevate learning, promote critical thinking skills and produce better outcomes. Analytics and reports provide a snapshot of class progress, time in course, engagement and completion rates.

About This Product

Emphasize real-world applications and encourage students to integrate the concepts and law and ethics into their business studies with the comprehensive and practical BUSINESS: ITS LEGAL, ETHICAL, AND GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, 11E. Students learn to think analytically about legal and ethical issues. As students explore the intersection of law, business strategy, and ethics in the text, they apply the various concepts to more than 200 real-world situations and a wealth of pedagogical features. This approach heightens students’ own sense of morality and illustrates how law and ethics apply to issues in the workplace. BUSINESS: ITS LEGAL, ETHICAL, AND GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, 11E meets all AACSB curricular and accrediting standards and is an excellent resource for future business managers. To complement this edition, MindTap is available online to help engage and prepare students for your course.