California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach | 14th Edition

Larry N. Gerston/Terry Christensen
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About This Product

Clear, concise and straightforward, CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: A PRACTICAL APPROACH, 14th Edition, is the most up-to-date and readable text on this subject. The book provides insight into real-life politics as it illustrates the complex forces at work in state government, and current examples enable students to comprehend the ins and outs of California politics. Coverage includes the 2016 elections as well as updates on judicial appointments, the impact of revised term limits for legislators, the state of California's budget, crime and prisons, water and immigration policy, and more. The impact of politics on public policy is integrated throughout the text, helping students see the impact of government and legislation. This text is ideally suited as a companion for an American government class, as well as a foundation for a course on state government.