Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach | 9th Edition

Vernon G. Zunker
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Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

Providing the most current, comprehensive coverage available, CAREER COUNSELING: A HOLISTIC APPROACH, 9th Edition equips students with a solid understanding of the theoretical models of career counseling and practical techniques on how to effectively counsel clients about career issues. Presenting the subject matter in a way that is relevant to all counseling students, Vernon Zunker uses an innovative holistic or “whole person” approach, demonstrating how to consider values, temperament, talents, and passions when integrating career with personal counseling to determine a client's best career fit. The thoroughly revised and updated Ninth Edition of this classic book includes chapters on integrating career and personal counseling, job loss and transitions, adult career development, and career-related programs in middle schools. In addition, diversity issues are integrated throughout, while relevant case studies bring chapter concepts to life. The text is also packed with tools to help students maximize their success in class and on the licensing exam.