Casebook in Child Behavior Disorders | 6th Edition

Christopher Kearney
Product cover for Casebook in Child Behavior Disorders 6th Edition by Christopher Kearney
Copyright 2017 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2016-03-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

Reflecting the latest research from the field, CASEBOOK IN CHILD BEHAVIOR DISORDERS, 6th Edition vividly illustrates the rich and arresting nature of disorders that first manifest themselves in childhood while also showing how a child's developmental patterns shape the expression of each disorder. Throughout the book, the author explores the DSM-5 criteria and highlights the interaction between developmental and environmental influences for each disorder. An assortment of cases, including complex cases, effectively demonstrates how each disorder is expressed -- from presentation through diagnosis and treatment. Mixed cases encourage independent thinking as they challenge students to draw from their knowledge to come up with their own diagnosis.