Child and Adolescent Development in Your Classroom, Chronological Approach | 1st Edition

Christi Crosby Bergin/David Allen Bergin
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ISBN: 9781305964273
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ISBN-13: 9781305968127
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About This Product

Bergin and Bergin's CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT IN YOUR CLASSROOM: CHRONOLOGICAL APPROACH, prepares future teachers to create an environment that promotes optimal development for all children. Addressing concerns stated in NICHD and NCATE's joint report (i.e., that child development courses need to offer more realistic illustrations of development concepts or better tie concepts to the classroom), the book helps college instructors meet the challenge of translating up-to-date research into realistic, high-quality classroom practice. It uses attention-grabbing real-world vignettes, anticipates questions that teachers might ask, provides an easy-to-follow format, and focuses on topics of interest and relevance to teachers, including classroom discipline, aggression, emotion regulation, and many others. This accessible new text also places a strong emphasis on diversity among children, and is ideal for teachers who will be working with children from infancy through high school.