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Corporate Financial Accounting | 15th Edition

Carl Warren/Jeff Jones
Product cover for Corporate Financial Accounting 15th Edition by Carl Warren/Jeff Jones
Copyright 2019 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2018-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357539750
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ISBN: 9781337398169
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CNOWv2, 1 term Instant Access for Warren/Jones' Corporate Financial Accounting ISBN: 9781337398237
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Available Study Tools

CNOWv2, 1 term Instant Access for Warren/Jones' Corporate Financial Accounting

CNOWv2, 1 term Instant Access for Warren/Jones' Corporate Financial Accounting

ISBN-13: 9781337398237
With its engaging learning and assessment tools, CNOWv2 supports the entire student workflow, from motivation to mastery. For instructors, CNOWv2 provides control and customization with the opportunity to tailor the learning experience to improve outcomes.

About This Product

Close the gap between homework and exam performance with Warren/Jones’ CORPORATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, 15E and CNOWv2. This market-leading solution is on the forefront of innovation based on the way students use textbooks and online resources to learn, study and complete homework. Elevate student thinking with content that addresses each stage of the learning process from motivation to mastery. This solution motivates students to learn, provides practice opportunities to prepare for exams, and helps students achieve mastery with tools that emphasize connections and the big picture.