Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management | 6th Edition

Stan Stojkovic/David Kalinich/John Klofas
Product cover for Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management 6th Edition by Stan Stojkovic/David Kalinich/John Klofas
Copyright 2015 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2014-03-19T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781285459011
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About This Product

Providing cutting-edge coverage of modern management theory, CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS: ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT, 6th Edition, emphasizes the application of management techniques appropriate to each area of the criminal justice system. Known for its thoroughness, accessibility, and practicality, the book focuses on the both the "hows" and "whys" of management techniques, equipping readers with the skills, knowledge, and solid understanding they need to effectively deal with the management challenges they will face in their own careers. Completely current and relevant, this edition includes thoroughly updated research and statistics as well as coverage of such key topics as civil liability, political power, ethics, budgeting, employee rights, and more. Chapters begin with timely vignettes that immediately draw readers into management concepts and theory, while insight from actual Criminal Justice professionals is featured throughout the text.