Criminal Law | 12th Edition

Joel Samaha
Product cover for Criminal Law 12th Edition by Joel Samaha
Copyright 2017 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2016-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781305577381
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MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Samaha's Criminal Law ISBN: 9781305639898
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Available Study Tools

MindTapV2.0 for Samaha's Criminal Law, 1 term Instant Access

MindTapV2.0 for Samaha's Criminal Law, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357033029
Enhanced MindTap for Samaha’s Criminal Law, 12th Edition is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. Take complete control of your course to optimize the learning needs through focusing on what matters most -- engaging critical thinking exercises that challenge students to apply their knowledge to real life scenarios. Use the power of experience to prepare students for success in the classroom and on the job. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics and add your own material or notes in the eBook.
MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Samaha's Criminal Law

MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Samaha's Criminal Law

ISBN-13: 9781305639898
MindTap for Samaha’s Criminal Law, 11th Edition is the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage and transform today's students into critical thinkers. Through paths of dynamic assignments and applications that you can personalize, real-time course analytics, and an accessible reader, MindTap helps you turn cookie cutter into cutting edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers. MindTap for Samaha's Criminal Law, 12th Edition offers customizable content, course analytics, an accessible e-reader, and the single most applied learning experience available for this course—all within the learning management system you’re already using! MindTap for Criminal Law prepares students to make the kinds of reasoned decisions they will need to make as future professionals faced with real-world challenges. With its rich array of media assets—all of which are tagged by learning objective and Bloom’s Taxonomy level—MindTap is perfectly suited for today’s Criminal Law students, engaging them, guiding them toward mastery of basic concepts, and advancing their critical thinking abilities.
MindTapV3.0 for Samaha's Criminal Law, 1 term Instant Access

MindTapV3.0 for Samaha's Criminal Law, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357631126
MindTapV3.0 for Samaha's Criminal Law, 12th Edition, is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. Activities have been restructured around the ARCS model of motivation design for Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction. Existing You Decide feature has been significantly enhanced with more detailed feedback and theoretical questions to prompt students to reflect on what they have learned. Students can now complete a new Bongo activity and post answers to justify their decisions. Finally, new Video Cases have been added to prompt students to consider the challenging issues of today. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics, and add your own material or notes in the ebook.

About This Product

Providing the undergraduate criminal law course with a nationally acclaimed blend of analysis and illustrative cases, Joel Samaha's CRIMINAL LAW has been the textbook of choice among instructors for more than 30 years. Praised for his clear, concise, and engaging writing style, Samaha presents criminal law using a combined text/casebook approach that features methodical, careful explanations of traditional law categories as well as classic and contemporary cases. Packed with the latest topics and cases -- and accompanied by powerful teaching and learning resources, including the MindTap online learning platform -- the Twelfth Edition is even more effective in helping students understand and think analytically about the underlying principles and policies that specific cases illustrate.