Discrete Mathematics with Applications | 5th Edition

Susanna S. Epp
Product cover for Discrete Mathematics with Applications 5th Edition by Susanna S. Epp
Copyright 2020 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2019-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357540244
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ISBN: 9781337694193
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Bundle: Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 5th + Student Solutions Manual with Study Guide
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ISBN: 9780357466384
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ISBN: 9780357097618
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Available Study Tools

Student Solutions Manual with Study Guide for Epp's Discrete Mathematics with Applications

Student Solutions Manual with Study Guide for Epp's Discrete Mathematics with Applications

ISBN-13: 9780357035207
The Student Solutions Manual contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the exercises not completely answered in Appendix B, and is divisible by 3. The Study Guide also includes alternate explanations for some of the concepts and review questions for each chapter enabling students to gain additional practice and succeed in the course.
WebAssign Instant Access for Epp's Discrete Mathematics with Applications

WebAssign Instant Access for Epp's Discrete Mathematics with Applications

ISBN-13: 9780357035245
WebAssign for Epp's Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 5th Edition, is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, empowering you to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance, and help your students master the course concepts. With WebAssign’s powerful digital platform and Discrete Mathematics with Applications specific content, you can tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, add your own questions and content, and access student and course analytics and communication tools.

About This Product

Known for its accessible, precise approach, Epp's DISCRETE MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 5th Edition, introduces discrete mathematics with clarity and precision. Coverage emphasizes the major themes of discrete mathematics as well as the reasoning that underlies mathematical thought. Students learn to think abstractly as they study the ideas of logic and proof. While learning about logic circuits and computer addition, algorithm analysis, recursive thinking, computability, automata, cryptography and combinatorics, students discover that ideas of discrete mathematics underlie and are essential to today’s science and technology. The author’s emphasis on reasoning provides a foundation for computer science and upper-level mathematics courses.