Empowerment Series: Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective | 6th Edition

Amanda S. Barusch
Product cover for Empowerment Series: Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective 6th Edition by Amanda S. Barusch
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ISBN: 9781305943247
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MindTap Social Work, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Barusch's Empowerment Series: Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective

MindTap Social Work, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Barusch's Empowerment Series: Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective

ISBN-13: 9781337283564
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About This Product

Reflecting the idea that social justice is a primary mission of the social work profession, this text provides a thorough grounding in policy analysis -- with extensive coverage of policy practice and a unique emphasis on the human dilemmas inherent in the pursuit of social justice. The book introduces several philosophical perspectives on what constitutes social justice, and identifies values and assumptions reflected in contemporary policy debates. It makes policy personal, introducing people whose lives are influenced by U.S. policies, as well as those who have shaped the policies. Part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, Barusch's FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL POLICY, 6th Edition, integrates the core competencies and practice behaviors outlined in the CSWE's 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). This edition is also available with MindTap, a digital solution that combines the complete text with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools.