Empowerment Series: The Reluctant Welfare State | 9th Edition

Bruce S. Jansson
Product cover for Empowerment Series: The Reluctant Welfare State 9th Edition by Bruce S. Jansson
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MindTap Social Work, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Jansson's Empowerment Series: The Reluctant Welfare State

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ISBN-13: 9781337565646
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About This Product

Written by one of the foremost scholars of social welfare, this book analyzes the evolution of the American welfare state from colonial times to the present--placing social policy in its political, cultural and societal context. Part of the Empowerment Series, Jansson's THE RELUCTANT WELFARE STATE, 9th Edition helps students develop the core competencies and practice behaviors outlined in the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Rather than passively reading, students interact with the issues, oppressed populations, ethical choices, social and ideological conflicts, advocates and policies in preceding eras and in the contemporary period--analytically and ethically. They also learn how vulnerable populations and social reformers have achieved progressive reforms through policy advocacy.