Exploring Animal Science | 1st Edition

Frank Flanders
Product cover for Exploring Animal Science 1st Edition by Frank Flanders
Copyright 2012 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2011-03-17T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133558507
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Available Study Tools

Laboratory Manual for Flanders' Exploring Animal Science

Laboratory Manual for Flanders' Exploring Animal Science

ISBN-13: 9781435439597
The Laboratory Manual supplements the text and includes lab exercises.
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About This Product

EXPLORING ANIMAL SCIENCE offers educators the perfect tool for teaching animal agriculture: one that balances the academic background critical to building a strong foundation in fundamental science with the practical, production-oriented content vital to work in the real world. Its coverage spans a variety of areas like nutrition, anatomy and physiology, biotechnology, biosecurity, and genetics and animal reproduction. Each topic is presented in a straightforward manner that first investigates the basics, and then delves further into its practical application to the production, care, and management of animal agriculture. Ideal for a range of students, from late middle school to early high school, this unique approach is sure to engage by drawing such powerful connections between academics and real-life animal-based scenarios and situations. It also includes a wide range of activities that will fit any animal science classroom, making it an appealing choice for teachers and students alike.