Financial Management: Theory & Practice | 16th Edition

Eugene F. Brigham/Michael C. Ehrhardt
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ISBN-13: 9781337909648
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MindTap for Brigham/Ehrhardt's Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 2 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781337909662
MindTap for Brigham/Ehrhardt's Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 16th is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course--to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual and to build their confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap. MindTap: Powered by You. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics and add your own material or notes in the ebook.

About This Product

Brigham/Ehrhardt's FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 16th edition, equips students with a solid understanding of essential theoretical concepts as well as practical tools to assess and implement effective financial decisions. The unifying theme is corporate valuation and its relevance to financial decisions--ensuring students comprehend the details and the big picture. Chapters proceed from fundamentals to strategic finance, linking recent events to the role of finance in business and to students’ personal lives. MindTap Finance also provides a powerful digital learning solution. With its relevant and engaging presentation, numerous examples and emphasis on Excel applications, the 16th edition is ideal for an introductory MBA course. It offers a complete reference tool for your students throughout their academic and business careers--helping them become “First in Finance.”