Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry | 9th Edition

Douglas A. Skoog/Donald M. West/F. James Holler/Stanley R. Crouch
Product cover for Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 9th Edition by Douglas A. Skoog/Donald M. West/F. James Holler/Stanley R. Crouch
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357686188
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ISBN: 9780495558286
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Buy Paperback : Student Solutions Manual for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th ISBN: 9780495558347
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Student Solutions Manual eBook for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry ISBN: 9781285185774
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OWLv2 for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access ISBN: 9781285185767
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OWLv2 for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access ISBN: 9781285190235
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OWLv2 with Student Solutions Manual for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access ISBN: 9781285839769
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ISBN: 9781285568164

Available Study Tools

OWLv2 for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781285185767
OWLv2 provides an all-in-one online teaching solution for Chemistry instructors that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an easy-to-use platform. It supports you no matter your course format and can easily be integrated into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. OWLv2 elevates thinking through mastery learning by empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept utilizing algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors—chemical, numerical, and contextual—creates unique question variants for each student and attempt.
Student Solutions Manual for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th

Student Solutions Manual for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th

ISBN-13: 9780495558347
The solutions manual contains worked-out solutions for all the starred problems in the text. For added value and convenience, the Student Solutions Manual can be packaged with the text. Contact your local sales representative for more information.
OWLv2 for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781285190235
OWLv2 provides an all-in-one online teaching solution for Chemistry instructors that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an easy-to-use platform. It supports you no matter your course format and can easily be integrated into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. OWLv2 elevates thinking through mastery learning by empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept utilizing algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors—chemical, numerical, and contextual—creates unique question variants for each student and attempt.
OWLv2 with Student Solutions Manual for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 with Student Solutions Manual for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781285839769
OWLv2 provides an all-in-one online teaching solution for Chemistry instructors that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an easy-to-use platform. It supports you no matter your course format and can easily be integrated into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. OWLv2 elevates thinking through mastery learning by empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept utilizing algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors—chemical, numerical, and contextual—creates unique question variants for each student and attempt.
Student Solutions Manual eBook for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry

Student Solutions Manual eBook for Skoog/West/Holler/Crouch's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry

ISBN-13: 9781285185774

About This Product

Known for its readability and systematic, rigorous approach, this fully updated Ninth Edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY offers extensive coverage of the principles and practices of analytic chemistry and consistently shows students its applied nature. The book's award-winning authors begin each chapter with a story and photo of how analytic chemistry is applied in industry, medicine, and all the sciences. To further reinforce student learning, a wealth of dynamic photographs by renowned chemistry photographer Charlie Winters appear as chapter-openers and throughout the text. Incorporating Excel spreadsheets as a problem-solving tool, the Ninth Edition is enhanced by a chapter on Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry, updated spreadsheet summaries and problems, an "Excel Shortcut Keystrokes for the PC" insert card, and a supplement by the text authors, EXCEL® APPLICATIONS FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, which integrates this important aspect of the study of analytical chemistry into the book's already rich pedagogy. New to this edition is OWL, an online homework and assessment tool that includes the Cengage YouBook, a fully customizable and interactive eBook, which enhances conceptual understanding through hands-on integrated multimedia interactivity. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections