Fundamentals of Biostatistics | 8th Edition

Bernard Rosner
Product cover for Fundamentals of Biostatistics 8th Edition by Bernard Rosner
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-08-03T00:00:00+0000')}}
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WebAssign for Rosner's Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Single-Term Instant Access

WebAssign for Rosner's Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Single-Term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357452905
Provide your students with the powerful digital resources to master statistics with WEBASSIGN FOR ROSNER'S FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSTATISTICS, 8th Edition. This flexible, fully customizable online instructional solution provides instant access to a wealth of effective instructional tools. As instructor, you can easily deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance using course analytics and help your students fully understand course concepts. The latest, specific content for Rosner's FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSTATISTICS and updated learning activities enrich your students' mastery of the material, while built-in communication tools make it simple to stay in touch with your students. You can easily customize WEBASSIGN's digital resources and tailor content to best meet your course needs with a range of assignment settings. You can even add your own questions and content to ensure your students gain the understanding of biostatistics they need for success.

About This Product

Bernard Rosner's FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSTATISTICS is a practical introduction to the methods, techniques, and computation of statistics with human subjects. It prepares students for their future courses and careers by introducing the statistical methods most often used in medical literature. Rosner minimizes the amount of mathematical formulation (algebra-based) while still giving complete explanations of all the important concepts. As in previous editions, a major strength of this book is that every new concept is developed systematically through completely worked out examples from current medical research problems. Most methods are illustrated with specific instructions as to implementation using software either from SAS, Stata, R, Excel or Minitab.