Fundamentals of Management | 8th Edition

Ricky Griffin
Product cover for Fundamentals of Management 8th Edition by Ricky Griffin
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781285849041
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Available Study Tools

MindTapV2.0 Management, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Griffin's Fundamentals of Management

MindTapV2.0 Management, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Griffin's Fundamentals of Management

ISBN-13: 9781337278621
MindTapV2.0 Management, 8th Edition, is the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage and transform today’s students into critical thinkers with the ultimate goal of getting students to THINK and ACT like managers. Through paths of dynamic assignments and applications that you can personalize, real-time course analytics, and an accessible reader, MindTap helps you turn cookie-cutter into cutting-edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers. As an instructor using MindTap, you have at your fingertips the right content and unique set of tools curated specifically for your course, all in an interface designed to improve workflow and save time when planning lessons and course structure. The control to build and personalize your course is all yours, focusing on the most relevant material while also lowering costs for your students. Stay connected and informed in your course through real-time student tracking that provides the opportunity to adjust the course as needed based on analytics of interactivity in the course. MindTap for Management has been completely revised and updated to incorporate a suite of new digital resources designed to facilitate and measure student success. Students can synchronously work together in experiential exercises to create videos, write papers, and deliver presentations, with the goal of developing critical interpersonal skills. Interactive Self Assessments help students engage students by learning about their own management skills and how to apply management theories in life. Simulations put students in decision making positions that help apply concepts. Our adaptive learning solution provides customized questions, text, and video resources based on student proficiency to help students efficiently and effectively master course material.

About This Product

Provide your students with the strong theoretical and functional framework needed for success in management today with this brief option that gives you the flexibility to integrate your own cases, exercises and projects throughout your course. FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT, 8E from respected management author Ricky Griffin invites students into the study of management with a dynamic approach efficiently organized around the functions of management. Students strengthen their management skills with a proven balance of theory and practice as well as numerous, engaging learning features. New and revised "First Things First" opening vignettes draw students into each chapter, while clear learning objectives and chapter outlines, summaries of key points and key terms, and numerous student-oriented skill applications and new cases keep students focused and actively learning. "You Make the Call" end-of-chapter features bring the students back to the opening case with the newfound knowledge they have gained after reading the chapter. New "Building Skills" exercises and "Skills Self-Assessment Instruments" equip future managers to handle some of today's most critical business situations. Following our state of the art, Engage, Connect, Perform, and Lead model, students truly learn to think and act like managers.