Gendered Lives | 13th Edition

Julia T. Wood/Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz
Product cover for Gendered Lives 13th Edition by Julia T. Wood/Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz
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ISBN: 9781337555883
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MindTap Speech, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Wood/Fixmer-Oraiz's Gendered Lives

MindTap Speech, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Wood/Fixmer-Oraiz's Gendered Lives

ISBN-13: 9781337555937
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About This Product

Written by leading gender communication scholars Julia T. Wood and Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz, GENDERED LIVES: COMMUNICATION, GENDER, & CULTURE, 13th Edition, provides an engaging introduction to the field, equipping students with the tools, knowledge and insight to think critically about gender and society. The authors draw from the latest theories, research and pragmatic information as they demonstrate the multiple--and often interactive--ways that a person's views of masculinity and femininity are shaped within contemporary culture. Extremely student friendly, the text uses a conversational, first-person writing style and offers balanced coverage of different sexes, genders and sexual orientations. Reflecting emerging trends and issues, the 13th Edition includes expanded coverage of men's issues, an integrated emphasis on social media and a stronger focus on gender in the public sphere.