Guide to Parallel Operating Systems with Windows® 10 and Linux | 3rd Edition

Ron Carswell/Shen Jiang/Mary Ellen Hardee/Amita Mahajan/Troy Touchette
Product cover for Guide to Parallel Operating Systems with Windows® 10 and Linux 3rd Edition by Ron Carswell/Shen Jiang/Mary Ellen Hardee/Amita Mahajan/Troy Touchette
Copyright 2017 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2016-08-09T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

Help your students examine two of the most prominent operating systems -- Windows 10 and Linux CentOS 7 -- in parallel with the unique approach within GUIDE TO PARALLEL OPERATING SYSTEMS WITH WINDOWS 10 AND LINUX, 3E. Rather than using a compare and contrast model, the book first presents each topic conceptually and then demonstrates it simultaneously on both operating systems. Readers are able to switch instantly between Windows 10 and Linux CentOS 7 to complete a myriad of hands-on activities that reinforce the similarities between the two operating systems for each conceptual task. The book’s virtualization approach provides you, the instructor, with complete flexibility while enabling learners to use Microsoft® Hyper-V Client, Oracle® VirtualBox, or VMWare Workstation. This comprehensive guide helps your students develop the competencies they need in Windows 10 and Linux to maximize their success both in today's classroom as well as in tomorrow’s business environment.