Haircoloring and Chemical Texture Services for Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 | 1st Edition

Product cover for Haircoloring and Chemical Texture Services for Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 1st Edition by Milady
Copyright 2012 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2012-01-27T00:00:00+0000')}}
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Buy Spiralbound : Haircoloring and Chemical Texture Services for Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 ISBN: 9781439058947
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About This Product

This full-color spiral bound supplement to Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 contains 14 haircoloring procedures, and 10 chemical texture services. Nearly all of these are only available in this supplement. Each procedure is presented step-by-step with text and photos to ensure accuracy.