Heavy Duty Truck Systems | 6th Edition

Sean Bennett
Product cover for Heavy Duty Truck Systems 6th Edition by Sean Bennett
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781305073623
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Available Study Tools

Workbook for Bennett's Heavy Duty Truck Systems, 6th

Workbook for Bennett's Heavy Duty Truck Systems, 6th

ISBN-13: 9781305259485
This practical workbook helps users retain key chapter content. Included in this resource are chapter objectives, practice questions, Job Sheets keyed to NATEF tasks, and online tasks.
MindTap  Diesel Technology, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access for Bennett's Heavy Duty Truck Systems

MindTap Diesel Technology, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access for Bennett's Heavy Duty Truck Systems

ISBN-13: 9781305259584
MindTap Diesel Technology for Bennett, Heavy Duty Truck Systems, Sixth edition is a personalized teaching experience with relevant assignments that guide students to analyze, apply, and improve thinking, allowing you to measure skills and outcomes with ease. Relevant readings, multimedia, and activities are designed to guide students through progressive levels of learning, from basic knowledge to analysis and application. Personalized teaching becomes yours through a Learning Path built with key student objectives and your syllabus in mind. Control what students see and when they see it. Analytics and reports provide a snapshot of class progress, time in course,engagement and completion rates. MindTap Diesel Technology meets the needs of today’s diesel technology classroom, shop and student. Within the MindTap faculty and students will find editable and submittable job sheets, based on ASE Education Foundation tasks. MindTap also offers students engaging activities that includes videos, matching exercises and assessments.

About This Product

Comprehensive, technically accurate, and up-to-date, HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SYSTEMS, 6E is the best-selling introduction to servicing medium- and heavy-duty trucks. Now in striking full color, the sixth edition helps users develop a strong foundation in electricity and electronics, power train, steering and suspension, brakes, and accessories systems and presents introductory material on servicing, safety, tools, and preventive maintenance. This edition is updated with full coverage of ASE Education Foundation competencies and the latest technology, including 2014 J1939 updates and access tools, Wingman radar, CMS, and Allison TC10 transmissions (introduced in 2013). The book's proven pedagogy is enhanced by extensive sets of review questions; over 1700 full-color photographs and pieces of art that help readers visualize key concepts and servicing procedures; and an accompanying workbook by the author that provides additional review material, Internet research exercises, and ASE Education Foundation task-oriented job sheets.