Comprehensive, technically accurate, and up-to-date, HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SYSTEMS, 6E is the best-selling introduction to servicing medium- and heavy-duty trucks. Now in striking full color, the sixth edition helps users develop a strong foundation in electricity and electronics, power train, steering and suspension, brakes, and accessories systems and presents introductory material on servicing, safety, tools, and preventive maintenance. This edition is updated with full coverage of ASE Education Foundation competencies and the latest technology, including 2014 J1939 updates and access tools, Wingman radar, CMS, and Allison TC10 transmissions (introduced in 2013). The book's proven pedagogy is enhanced by extensive sets of review questions; over 1700 full-color photographs and pieces of art that help readers visualize key concepts and servicing procedures; and an accompanying workbook by the author that provides additional review material, Internet research exercises, and ASE Education Foundation task-oriented job sheets.