History of the American Economy | 12th Edition

Gary M. Walton/Hugh Rockoff
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Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-04-02T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

Tying America's past to the economic policies of today and beyond, HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY 12e presents events chronologically for easy understanding. Get a firm foundation in the evolution of the American economy with this ever-popular classic. Few text packages have the staying power of HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY, 12E, the text that has helped generations of students understand how the American economy evolved. Completely updated, this classic text ties our past to the policies and debates of today and beyond. A variety of visual aids and provocative statistics encourage interest in the study of economic history. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections http://gocengage.com/infotrac.