Human Relations: Principles and Practices | 7th Edition

Barry L. Reece
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Copyright 2012 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2011-05-23T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

This edition of Human Relations: Principles and Practices continues to focus on the immediate personal application of human relations principles and practices. In addition to incorporating the authors' innovative "Total Person" approach toward the field, the Seventh Edition includes an increased emphasis on issues of diversity, presenting a broad range of characteristics that affect relationships on the job and ways to achieve insight when dealing with a wide-range of people related problems. The updated pedagogy includes strategically placed exercises that encourage teamwork and group problem-solving techniques, first-person advice from respected writers, educators, and business leaders, opening vignettes featuring prominent individuals in real-world situations, and "Career Corner" sections that provide practical solutions to common human relations problems.