International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs | 5th Edition

Paul D'Anieri
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ISBN: 9780357136171
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ISBN-13: 9780357136201
MindTap for D'Anieri's International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs, 5th Edition, is a platform that introduces students to world politics as it propels them from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course, so you can provide engaging content focused on international relations theory that will challenge every learner and build student confidence. MindTap: Powered by You.

About This Product

A highly engaging introduction to the study of world politics, D'Anieri's INTERNATIONAL POLITICS: POWER AND PURPOSE IN GLOBAL AFFAIRS, 5th Edition, emphasizes that examining problems from multiple approaches can provide a better understanding. The text uses the theme of power and purpose to examine five paradigms of international relations theory and to connect the scholarly analysis of international politics to policy problems and contemporary affairs. Its cohesive pedagogical framework presents the study of international politics as a series of intellectual puzzles and policy problems -- helping students make the connections between theory and policy, history and the present, and ideals and constraints. Case studies of real-world events address common student deficiencies in history, policy and geography. In addition, the MindTap digital learning solution is available with this edition.