Introduction to Learning and Behavior | 5th Edition

Russell A. Powell/P. Lynne Honey/Diane G. Symbaluk
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MindTap Psychology, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Powell/Honey/Symbaluk's Introduction to Learning and Behavior

MindTap Psychology, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Powell/Honey/Symbaluk's Introduction to Learning and Behavior

ISBN-13: 9781305953475
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About This Product

Offering a variety of innovative teaching tools, INTRODUCTION TO LEARNING AND BEHAVIOR, 5th Edition provides a clear introduction to the principles of learning and behavior. Designed to strike a balance between basic principles and their practical application, it provides an engaging outline of the behavioral approach to psychology and its relevance for understanding and improving the world we live in. This edition includes a new emphasis on behavior self-management -- including an appendix on tactics of behavior self-management as well as "Study Tip" boxes advising students on a range of study behavior issues, from how to best read a textbook to the use of stimulus control procedures to increase concentration and reduce procrastination. Instructors who include self-management projects as a course assignment may particularly appreciate this material. As with past editions, numerous opportunities for review and self-testing help students maximize their understanding and retention.