Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 15th Edition

William Mendenhall/Robert J. Beaver/Barbara M. Beaver
Product cover for Introduction to Probability and Statistics 15th Edition by William Mendenhall/Robert J. Beaver/Barbara M. Beaver
Copyright 2020 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2019-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357685730
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ISBN: 9781337554428
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WebAssign for Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver's Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Single-Term, Instant Access ISBN: 9781337699228
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Available Study Tools

WebAssign for Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver's Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Single-Term, Instant Access

WebAssign for Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver's Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Single-Term, Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781337699228
WebAssign for Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver's Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 15th Edition, is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, empowering you to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance, and help your students master the course concepts. With WebAssign’s powerful digital platform and Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver's Introduction to Probability and Statistics specific content, you can tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, add your own questions and content and access student and course analytics and communication tools.
Student Solutions Manual for Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver's Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Student Solutions Manual for Mendenhall/Beaver/Beaver's Introduction to Probability and Statistics

ISBN-13: 9781337558280
Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the odd-numbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer.
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About This Product

Mendenhall, Beaver, and Beaver’s INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, 15th Edition is a major overhaul from the previous edition, lowering the reading level, introducing concepts in a more intuitive way and significantly increasing homework scaffolding for difficulty level. Written in compliance with the GAISE college report, this text teaches students to become problem solvers who are adept at using technology to facilitate statistical reasoning as well as the interpretation of statistical results. Students will be able to describe real sets of data meaningfully, what the statistical tests mean in terms of their practical applications, how to evaluate the validity of the assumptions behind statistical tests and know what to do when statistical assumptions have been violated. The 15th edition contains 1884 exercises, employs real data throughout and includes at least 75% new or updated examples. INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, 15th Edition, adds new sections on the uniform and exponential distributions, normal probability plots for assessing normality, best subsets regression procedures and binary logistic regression. With features designed specifically for Statistics, WebAssign helps to address relevant applications, use of technology and conceptual understanding. Use additional material to accompany the text, including: news videos per chapter, pre-made Labs, Project Milestones, Simulation Questions by JMP and Concept Questions. NEW for Fall 2020 - Turn your students into statistical thinkers with the Statistical Analysis and Learning Tool (SALT). SALT is an easy-to-use data analysis tool created with the intro-level student in mind. It contains dynamic graphics and allows students to manipulate data sets in order to visualize statistics and gain a deeper conceptual understanding about the meaning behind data. SALT is built by Cengage, comes integrated in Cengage WebAssign Statistics courses and available to use standalone.