Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior | 16th Edition

Dennis Coon/John O. Mitterer/Tanya S. Martini
Product cover for Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior 16th Edition by Dennis Coon/John O. Mitterer/Tanya S. Martini
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About This Product

Welcome to the world of psychology--and a journey through the gateways to mind and behavior. Led by authors who get rave reviews from students and instructors alike, Gateways 16e addresses instructor calls for a text that is easily customizable for the specific content covered in individual courses. Each chapter begins with learning outcomes grounded in Bloom’s Taxonomy and ends with a section connecting the content to important career-relevant skills. The new edition of Gateways is fully compatible with APA guidelines such as the new Introductory Psychology Initiative and includes new resources such as guided notes for students with limited experience navigating college-level textbooks. Cutting edge research and world events such as Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement have been woven throughout the text in the same conversational style that readers have come to appreciate. Experience the fun of discovering Psychology with INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY: GATEWAYS TO MIND AND BEHAVIOR, 16th Edition.