Introductory Horticulture | 9th Edition

Carroll L. Shry, Jr./H. Edward Reiley
Product cover for Introductory Horticulture 9th Edition by Carroll L. Shry, Jr./H. Edward Reiley
Copyright 2017 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2016-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357700990
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MindTap Agriscience, 2 terms (12 months) Instant Access for Shry/Reiley's Introductory Horticulture ISBN: 9781305411371
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Available Study Tools

Lab Manual for Shry/Reiley's Introductory Horticulture, 9th

Lab Manual for Shry/Reiley's Introductory Horticulture, 9th

ISBN-13: 9781285424750
Revised for the NINTH EDITION, the LAB MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY INTRODUCTORY HORTICULTURE contains a variety of exercises to help students retain and apply key concepts and information presented in the book. Labs are organized by book sections, and this edition features new exercises related to tomato grafting, designing gardens, the safe operation of power equipment, and utilizing apps as horticultural tools.
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MindTap Agriscience, 2 terms (12 months) Instant Access for Shry/Reiley's Introductory Horticulture

MindTap Agriscience, 2 terms (12 months) Instant Access for Shry/Reiley's Introductory Horticulture

ISBN-13: 9781305411371
MindTap Agriscience for Shry/Reiley’s Introductory Horticulture, 9th Edition is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course—to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual, and to build their confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap. MindTap: Powered by You. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Tools specifically for your course include engaging assignments, interactivities, games, video, and quizzing. MindTap is logically organized into content- specific sections containing each of these features. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics, and add your own material or notes in the eBook.

About This Product

Written for high school introduction to horticulture, agriculture, or plant science courses, INTRODUCTORY HORTICULTURE, 9e, is a broad-based, first-level text that explores the basic principles of horticulture and methods of practical application. It offers varied multisensory applications — including group, crew, and individual -- and a hands-on approach in the modalities of learning, providing myriad avenues for students to experiment with the green industry. The Ninth Edition emphasizes organic and sustainable farming methods, introduces students to new and emerging technology, and focuses on organizations and career development paths relevant to aspiring horticulturists. In addition to the print format, the text is available through MindTap Agriscience - a customizable, fully digital experience for students and instructors that combines an enhanced ebook, videos, quizzes, and much more.