Language: Its Structure and Use | 7th Edition

Edward Finegan
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Copyright 2015 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2014-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781285052458
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About This Product

This best-selling introductory linguistics textbooks treats language as both a system (structure) and a social tool (use) - an approach that serves students in many disciplines, especially linguistics, English, speech communication, and education. Features such as “What Do You Think?” and “Try It Yourself” prompt students to consider language in daily life and to begin thinking about language analysis, while new “Language at the Bar” features show them the real-world applications of linguistic analysis to criminal and civil legal cases. The wide range of exercises includes “Especially for Educators and Future Teachers” sections ideal for future educators, as well as “Practice Exercises,” “Based on English,” and end-of-chapter review sections. Based on sound scholarship and framed in a clear, friendly presentation, LANGUAGE: ITS STRUCTURE AND USE, Seventh Edition, helps students understand the uniquely human trait of language.