Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction | 2nd Edition

Kristin Denham/Anne Lobeck
Product cover for Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction 2nd Edition by Kristin Denham/Anne Lobeck
Copyright 2013 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2012-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781111344382
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About This Product

LINGUISTICS FOR EVERYONE: AN INTRODUCTION, Second Edition, will capture the interest of all students, regardless of major, and offer them a thorough, engaging introduction to the science of language. To achieve this goal, the authors devised a unique arrangement of chapters that distinguishes this book from conventional introductory linguistics textbooks. Without sacrificing rigor, the authors focus on larger themes rather than on technical details or formal analysis. The book opens with a strong introductory chapter addressing basics such as how to define language, prescriptive versus descriptive grammar, differences between the human language system and other animal communication systems, and so on. The second chapter, devoted to language, mind, and brain, addresses both psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic evidence for humans' innate capacity for language. To address core linguistics areas in depth, there are two chapters each on phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Throughout the text, special features relate the study of linguistics to the language we use in the real world and every chapter includes innovative and varied activities that review and practice the content and offer your students many opportunities to apply the knowledge in their own lives.