Making Hard Decisions with DecisionTools | 3rd Edition

Robert T. Clemen/Terence Reilly
Product cover for Making Hard Decisions with DecisionTools 3rd Edition by Robert T. Clemen/Terence Reilly
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-05-24T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

MAKING HARD DECISIONS WITH DECISIONTOOLS® is a new edition of Bob Clemen's best-selling title, MAKING HARD DECISIONS. This straightforward book teaches the fundamental ideas of decision analysis, without an overly technical explanation of the mathematics used in decision analysis. This new version incorporates and implements the powerful DecisionTools® software by Palisade Corporation, the world's leading toolkit for risk and decision analysis. At the end of each chapter, topics are illustrated with step-by-step instructions for DecisionTools®. This new version makes the text more useful and relevant to students in business and engineering.