Marketing 2016 | 18th Edition

William M. Pride/O. C. Ferrell
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Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-08T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

Pride and Ferrell's MARKETING 2016 provides a thorough overview of essential marketing principles within a visually engaging, reader-friendly presentation. This popular, proven text helps students develop the knowledge and decision-making skills they need to succeed in today's competitive business environment. MARKETING 2016 delivers in-depth coverage of fundamental marketing concepts and strategies, along with practical applications and real-world examples, including up-to-date material on social networking, digital marketing, social and environmental responsibility, globalization, entrepreneurship, and marketing in times of transition. The current edition also features a new chapter on managing services and branding, a new section exploring the importance and uses of Big Data, updated learning objectives, and access to new "Ask a Marketer" videos to introduce key concepts. Perfect for students of all backgrounds and interest levels, MARKETING 2016 is an essential resource for classroom and career success.