Mass Media Research | 10th Edition

Roger D. Wimmer/Joseph R. Dominick
Product cover for Mass Media Research 10th Edition by Roger D. Wimmer/Joseph R. Dominick
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133307334
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About This Product

Reflecting the latest developments from the field, MASS MEDIA RESEARCH: AN INTRODUCTION, 10e, delivers a comprehensive overview of mass communication research and a thorough exploration of each major approach--including qualitative research, content analysis, survey research, longitudinal research, and experimental research. The text continues with an expansive section on data analysis and concludes with cutting-edge coverage on applying research methods to the primary areas of interest, including print, electronic media, advertising, and public relations. Completely up to date, the Tenth Edition fully integrates social media coverage, ethics, and the impact of merging technology on mass media research. It also provides expanded coverage of online research, the impact of tablets on readership, new advertising channels, social media message analytics, and much more. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections