Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers | 1st Edition

Ricardo Fierro
Product cover for Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers 1st Edition by Ricardo Fierro
Copyright 2013 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2012-02-06T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133983606
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ISBN: 9780538493635
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WebAssign Instant Access for Fierro's Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Single-Term ISBN: 9781337765558
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ISBN: 9781133289142
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Available Study Tools

WebAssign - Start Smart Guide for Students

WebAssign - Start Smart Guide for Students

ISBN-13: 9780495384793
This guide helps students navigate Enhanced WebAssign. It includes instructions on how to use the Assignment page and its Summary, tips on using MathPad for providing easy input of math notation and symbols, an overview of the Graphing Utility's drawing tools for completing graphing assignments, and information on how to access grades and scores summary.
Activities Manual for Fierro's Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers

Activities Manual for Fierro's Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers

ISBN-13: 9781133363712
The activities manual is geared toward helping students grasp the main ideas of each section that is covered in the text with open-ended activities that allow students to practice and apply the knowledge that they have learned.
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WebAssign Instant Access for Fierro's Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Single-Term

WebAssign Instant Access for Fierro's Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Single-Term

ISBN-13: 9781337765558
WebAssign for Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, enabling you to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance and help your students master the course concepts. Enrich the teaching and learning experience with the superior content within the powerful digital platform of WebAssign. Tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, the ability to add your own questions and content, analytics at the individual and course level and student/teacher communication tools.

About This Product

Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers is designed to give you a profound understanding of the mathematical content that you are expected to know and be able to teach. The chapters integrate the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards and Expectations and the new Common Core State Standards, as well as research literature. The five NCTM Process Standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation highlight ways that teachers present content, the ways that students learn content, and various ways that students can demonstrate procedural and conceptual understanding. The worked examples and homework questions provide prospective elementary school teachers with opportunities to develop mathematical knowledge, understanding, and skills that they can apply in their own classrooms effectively. The learning path begins with the "Where Are We Going?" Chapter Openers, worked Examples with Yellow Markers that indicate the Process Standards throughout the text, to the Concept Maps, to the Section Question Sets with their "refreshers" of Process Standards, to the Chapter Organizers with Learning Outcomes and a list of the corresponding Review Questions, and finally, conclude at the Chapter Tests with their overarching Learning Outcomes.