Medical Assisting Exam Review Online 3.0, 2 terms Instant Access | 3rd Edition

Product cover for Medical Assisting Exam Review Online 3.0, 2 terms Instant Access 3rd Edition by Cengage
Copyright 2021 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2020-06-15T00:00:00+0000')}}
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MAERO: Medical Assisting Exam Review Online 3.0, 2 terms Instant Access {{getPriceWithCurrency(vm.digitalPlatformSelectedOption.price, "$")}} {{getPriceWithCurrency("127.00", "$")}}
Medical Assisting Exam Review Online 3.0, 2 terms Instant Access ISBN: 9780357426289
{{getPriceWithCurrency("127.00", "$")}}
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About This Product

MEDICAL ASSISTING EXAM REVIEW ONLINE (MAERO) 3.0 helps students improve their certification exam scores while lowering test-taking stress. Mapped against current certification standards from the AAMA, AMT, and NCCT and AMCA, MAERO 3.0 features a database of more than 2,000 questions that users can select using criteria from the core curriculum for medical assistants. MAERO 3.0 enables a highly personalized learning experience for students, who can track their progress, target specific subject areas for reinforcement, create customized content-area exams for practice, and sit for “mock exams” with time limits that mirror real-world testing environments. Question and answer choice randomization means students can revisit material as much as needed, while rationales for incorrect responses enhance learning and deepen understanding. MAERO 3.0 also integrates key analytics and tracking, allowing administrators and faculty to assess individual and group performance over time. Whether students are preparing for the CMA, RMA, CMAS, NCMA, CMAA, CCMA, CMAC, CMAAC, MAC, or MAAC exams, MAERO 3.0 delivers cutting-edge test preparation for certification and career success. MAERO 3.0 also let's you assess individual and class-level performance!