Mind on Statistics | 5th Edition

Jessica M. Utts/Robert F. Heckard
Product cover for Mind on Statistics 5th Edition by Jessica M. Utts/Robert F. Heckard
Copyright 2015 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2014-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357685761
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ISBN: 9781285463186
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Available Study Tools

Student Solutions Manual for Utts/Heckard's Mind on Statistics, 5th

Student Solutions Manual for Utts/Heckard's Mind on Statistics, 5th

ISBN-13: 9781285770208
Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the odd-numbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer.
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WebAssign Instant Access for Utts/Heckard's Mind on Statistics, Single-Term

WebAssign Instant Access for Utts/Heckard's Mind on Statistics, Single-Term

ISBN-13: 9781337773638
WebAssign for Mind on Statistics is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, enabling you to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance and help your students master the course concepts. Enrich the teaching and learning experience with the superior content within the powerful digital platform of WebAssign. Tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, the ability to add your own questions and content, analytics at the individual and course level and student/teacher communication tools.

About This Product

MIND ON STATISTICS, Fifth Edition, emphasizes the conceptual development of statistical ideas and the importance of looking for-and finding-meaning in data. Authors Jessica Utts and Robert Heckard actively engage students' natural curiosity, motivating them with intriguing questions and explaining statistical topics in the context of a wide range of interesting, useful examples and case studies. Throughout the text, the authors balance the promotion of statistical literacy with coverage of the statistical methodology taught in general introductory statistics courses. Their approach is based on the premises that new material is much easier to learn and remember if it is related to something interesting or previously known, and if students actively ask questions and find the answers for themselves. More than any other text available, MIND ON STATISTICS motivates and encourages students to develop their statistical intuition by focusing on analyzing data and interpreting results, rather than on mathematical formulation. NEW for Fall 2020 - Turn your students into statistical thinkers with the Statistical Analysis and Learning Tool (SALT). SALT is an easy-to-use data analysis tool created with the intro-level student in mind. It contains dynamic graphics and allows students to manipulate data sets in order to visualize statistics and gain a deeper conceptual understanding about the meaning behind data. SALT is built by Cengage, comes integrated in Cengage WebAssign Statistics courses and available to use standalone.